Sukumar Kamalasadan
Sukumar Kamalasadan is a Distinguished Scholar Professor of electric power engineering and a Duke Energy Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) and the Director of power energy and intelligent systems lab (PEISL) within the Energy Production and Infrastructure Center (EPIC) at UNCC. He received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Toledo, OH in 2004. His research interests include control of Inverter Based Resources, Electric grid optimization, power system dynamics, stability and control, and renewable-energy-based distributed generation.
Prof. Kamalasadan’s research for the last 20 years has resulted in tools and methods that have a high-level impact in electric utility modernization. His research work has secured more than $ 13M in grants and contracts and he has published more than 300 journals and conference articles and secured 5 patents. He has won several awards including IEEE best papers, outstanding research from UNC Charlotte and National Science Foundation CAREER award. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of Power and Energy Society and Dy Editor in chief of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.