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ERCOT Decarbonization Pathways

Feb 11, 2025
Unlocking Hydrogens Power Potential

Hydrogen is poised to play an increasingly important role in decarbonizing a range of sectors, including power generation. Mitsubishi Power used PLEXOS Electric, Gas, and Water modules to model Long-Duration Hydrogen Storage and its impact on ERCOT’s energy transition. By integrating generation, storage, transmission, pipeline expansion and dispatch along with water constraints, the model provides high-fidelity solutions for optimizing ERCOT's decarbonization pathways. 

In this presentation, see how the modeling supports system planning by addressing four key questions:

  1. Where, when and how much renewable energy should be developed?
  2. Should energy be stored in batteries or hydrogen systems, and how much of each is needed?
  3. Should energy be transported via power lines or hydrogen pipelines, and where should these be built?
  4. How should the energy system be managed and operated?

Bobby Noble, Senior Program Manager, Gas Turbine R&D - EPRI
Brodie Griffin, Technical - Platte River Power Authority
Hari Gopalakrishnan, Manager, Market Strategy - Mitsubishi Power Americas


Decarbonization,Hydrogen,LongDuration Energy Storage,Data Management and Analytics


Level 3 Thought Leadership or Executive

Audience Type

Utilities,Large Scale Energy Users,General Audience,Government